70.3 Xiamen was the last race i picked for the 2018 season. Admittedly, I had mixed feelings about racing in China – but i would always do it again (…not only because of the Chocolate Sensation gels that saved my day ).
It was an incredibly cool adventure trip and one of the best organised events on the Ironman circuit that I have done so far. And all my worries about air and water quality were a bit over the top because this was no issue at all. In fact, Xiamen is quite green, the climate not too humid and the air fresh.
Swimming in the ocean was pretty cool: the course was easy to navigate, it was a wetsuit swim and the current was pushing heavily from th back for about 1k, helping to speed up the swim times. After 31min, I could already exit the water and enjoy one of the longest (520m!) transitions. The bike course was fairly flat (except the 4 climbs on the bridge), and so I tried to push from the start. At km 50, the sky decided to open up and we had some heavy rain showers to add some spice to the race. And exactly at this time, I grabbed some Chocolate Sensation gels at the aid station – there could have been no better treat to motivate me to keep on pushing through the rain. Sometimes it’s the little things in life that make a difference…
After 2:41h, I reached T2, ready to start the run. It was 2.7 loops and an out-and-back-course along the ocean promenade with some nice views. My run speed was not spectacular but i managed to keep a steady pace and was happy that my hip and back held up without causing too much pain.
With a total of 5:14:44 hrs and a 5th place, I can not complain too much – it was a great way to end the season. Unfortunately, I missed the qualification for the WC in Nice by one place but maybe this gives me some additional motivation for 2019
Thank you #TeamZootTriEurope and all friends near and far for the great support and nice moments this year for which I am incredibly thankful.
#seasonfinale, #TeamZoot, #TeamZootTriEurope, #Xièxiè, #Ohana