Cyril Henricot participated at the 8. Int. BMW Cloppenburg X-Duathlon in Trier [GER] on sunday afternoon over the ‘Cross der Asse’ covering 5km-20km-5km. With a steady pace, Cyril managed to finish this demanding race on 48th place overall in 2h17min. RESULTS – 8. International XDUA Trier
Cambridge Half Marathon
Marc Matgen raced the Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon 2015 and finished in a personal best time of 1:44:42. He reached 982th place overall out of nearly 3600 finishers. Good performance Marc!
Olivier Godart 43rd at Challenge Dubai
The inaugural Challenge Dubai attracted nearly 850 athletes from 45 countries, among them Olivier Godart for another start as a professional athlete. Olivier managed to perform steadily in all 3 disciplines despite difficult weather conditions with strong winds and tall waves. He placed himself on 43rd rank overall after a very strong run in 1h18min! […]
Excellent 2nd rank in South Africa for Bob Haller
Bob Haller raced the 2015 Buffalo City ATU Sprint Triathlon African Cup despite a severe bike crash during the week. After a steady swim, Bob left the water in 5th rank. A small group pushed quite hard on the 20km bike lap, so Bob managed to leave T2 in 2nd position already. Jonas Schomburg managed […]
Olivier Godart 5th in Abu Dhabi
The 5th annual TriYAS by Activelife has taken place on Friday 20th February 2015. This is the UAE’s largest and coolest community olympic distance triathlon staged completely on the FORMULA 1 ETIHAD AIRWAYS ABU DHABI GRAND PRIX circuit. Despite the sandstorm hitting the capital of Abu Dhabi on Friday, Olivier Godart felt ready and determined […]
Pressrelease – Gemengebuet Tuntange JAN-2015
Please find attached a report about the 1. Freelander’s X3M Trail Hollenfels, published in the local ‘Gemengebuet’ of the commune of Tuntange. PDF – 20150222 – Gemengebuet Tuntange
27. Volksbank-Fastnachtslauf in Wasserliesch
David Claerebout finished on excellent 3rd rank overall at the traditional 27th ‘Volksbank-Fastnachtslauf’ in Wasserliesch [GER]. It took him 35:17min to cross the finishline. Carlo Feltes finished on 32nd position overall in 44:03min
ING EuroTrail Diekirch
Some of our athletes performed quite well at the EuroTrail run in Diekirch yesterday. David Claerebout finished 5th overall, but he was not really happy as he encountered some stomach problems during the race preventing him to show his real potential. Nevertheless, congratulations for this good race! Antoine Lallier finished on 19th rank overall in […]
XTERRA Trail des Ardennes Wiltz
Great results from our athletes on sunday at the XTERRA Trail des Ardennes in Wiltz. David Claerebout came in 2nd behind Florian Neuschwander in 1h49min for the 25km trail and took a slot for the World championships in Hawaii (06/12/2015)!!! CONGRATULATIONS for this tremendous performance! Please find below the results from our X3M athletes : […]
Aquathlon Coque 2015
Great results from our 3 participants at the traditional season opener at the Coque. This so named Aquathlon event consists in a fast 250m swim and 1km running part on the indoor track. Sam Peters, Pierre Rossler and Mariette Brosius managed to reach the quarter-finals each. Pierre finally won the Masters M40 category an Sam […]
National 3000m indoor championships
Great performance by Bob Haller at the national indoor championships yesterday at the Coque/Luxembourg. He ran the 3000m in 8’42″91 and finished 4th, just 2sec off the podium.
Masters Open Swim Thionville [FRA]
Carole Kettenmeyer-Reuland raced the ‘Championnats de Lorraine Open Hiver Maîtres-Mémorial Pierre Poddig’ (a Masters Swim event in Thionville) this weekend and showed her excellent shape once again by breaking the 400m Freestyle national masters record ! Congratulations ! Please find her results below : 800m Freestyle 10’43″21 50m Freestyle 0’30″85 200m Freestyle 2’30″98 400m Freestyle […]
David Claerebout wins in Redange
Final results for 2014
Some of our athletes raced the 31st ‘Sylvesterlaf’ in Rambrouch over 10km. Here are the final results for 2014 : 9. David Claerebout 35:57 30. Sam Peters 39:59 38. Sam Nilles 40:45 52. Carlo Feltes 41:53 156. Marc Matgen 47:28 RESULTS – 31. Sylvesterlaf Rambrouch
Bob Haller wins ‘Int. Silvesterlauf Wien’ [german]
BOB HALLER gewinnt mit einer taktischen Meisterleistung den internationalen Silvesterlauf in Wien. 4500 Läufer- und Läuferinnen waren am Start. Es war klirrend kalt bei minus 6 Grad (aber trocken). Am Start war u.a. der dreifache Sieger Dieter Pratschner (AUT), der mit 16’11” die bisher drittschnellste Zeit auf den 5.325 km lief. Vom Start weg bildete […]
11. Deifferdenger Crëschtlaf
Several athletes participated at one of the oldest christmas runs in Luxembourg – the 11th edition of the ‘Crëschtlaf’ in Differdange. Runners could choose between the ‘shorty’ version of 6km or the traditional ‘Enduro’ version of 10km. Carlo Feltes finished in 42:07 and took 25th overall position. Marc Matgen ran 47:23 and placed himself onto […]
Trainingcamp greetings from Bob
Sam Peters wins in Zell/Mosel
Very impressive start of season for Sam Peters! Sam raced the traditional 5km ‘Geniesser-Lauf’ in Zell/Mosel [GER] – with a strong and steady run in 19:25min on this hilly curvaceous track, he won this race. Congratulations! Our training team mate, Patrick Thill from CAB, finished in good 23:33min.
3-Länner-Trail Lieler/Clervaux
Under hibernal conditions with a slight film of snow, 3 athletes aligned at the 5th edition of the ‘3-Länner Trail Klierf Naturpark Our’. Best result goes to Yves Koch who ran the middle distance trail covering 17km – it took him 1h34 to reach the finish line on very good 21st position overall. Marc Matgen […]
Excellent result from Bahrain
In one of the best and strongest fields ever in a triathlon, Olivier Godart performed extraordinary well reaching 20th rank overall out of more than 850 finishers. The Kingdom of Bahrain turned on perfect race conditions for the 1000 plus athletes in the first international triathlon, all agreed it was an enormous success. Besides some […]
Yearly A.G. in Mersch [in german]
Generalversammlung des X3M Triathlon Mersch Mit neuem Präsidenten ins Jubiläumsjahr Am vergangenen Samstag hielten die Verantwortlichen des Merscher Triathlonvereins ihre vierte Hauptversammlung ab. Neben den Ehrengästen Georges Klepper (FLA) und Kevin Schroeder (FLTRI) hatten sich 30 Mitglieder im Outlet von „Freelander’s“ auf dem Merscherberg eingefunden. Nachdem Hauptsponsor Alex Kapp die Anwesenden begrüßt hatte und dem […]
Adventslauf Saarbrücken 10km
Carlo Feltes added one 10km race to his palmares, this time he ran the ‘Adventslauf’ in Saarbruck. In about 40:10min, he finished exhausted but happy. Marc Matgen finished in 45:20, well done to both of you! Congratulations!
4. Nikloslaf Esch/Alzette
Good results from our athletes at the 4. Nikloslaf in Esch/Alzette this morning. Mariette Brosius finished 22nd on the 6km in her first race as a X3M member. Well done Mariette! Chris Doyle finished 8th overall in 23:13 and Jean-Claude Schmitz came in on 11th rank overall in 24:10.
2nd hibernal Cross of 2014/2015
Bob Haller aligned at the second cross-country race of this hibernal season in Esch/Alzette. Bob finished on 3rd overall and 1st Espoir with an excellent chrono of 22:46.
1. Freelander’s X3M Trail Hollenfels
First edition of the Freelander’s X3M Trail in Hollenfels – what a success story! The main race was held at the surroundigs of Hollenfels’ castle on the weekend. In a combined field of 256 competitors (66 for the short S-distance over 7.2km, 175 for the longer L-distance over 16.5km plus Nordic-walkers), male athlete CHRISTIAN KROMBACH […]