IRONKIDS @ IM70.3 Luxembourg

Excellent results from our kids of the combined X3M/CAEG training group at the different IRONKIDS races. Best overall performance goes to Harry Smallbone (born in 2008) who managed to win the overall KIDS-B category with a smashing running performance. Congratulations!  Distances Born in Swim Run  Bambini  2010-2012 –  600 m  Kids B 2008-2009  50 m […]

IM70.3 Rapperswil [SUI] race report

Hi guys, I send you attached my results from the Ironman 70.3 in Switzerland that took place on the 10th of June. As I did not get to train extensively, I am overall satisfied although the run (1:47:03) is the worst I ever did given different circumstances (heat…). The swim was ok (35:41min for 1.9km)  […]

Openwater tri-training with the kids in Rosport

On saturday morning, X3M in association with CAEG organized an openwater swim training followed by a bike&run around the camping of Rosport. Several kids were present and enjoyed the fresh water of the ‘Sauer’ river, followed by a short bike segment on the cycle path and a 1km run. For security reasons, the kids were […]

Schaumberg Sprint Triathlon Tholey [GER]

5 athletes raced the sprint triathlon in Schaumberg Tholey [GER] on sunday, covering the sprint distance over 300m-22km-4.6km. The swim part was held in the indoor pool (Erlebnisbad Schaumberg) with 12 lanes of 25m. The bike course over 22km was quite hilly and the run course included a steep hill of 800m towards Schaumberg. Carlo […]

Hot – hotter – ING Marathon Luxembourg

Running a marathon or a 1/2 marathon under tropical conditions of 30 degrees – not an easy challenge on saturday evening!!! Nearly 15000 runners were present at the LuxExpo in Kirchberg to run the 42.1km or 21.1km through the outskirts of Luxembourg-city. Yves Koch (forgotten timing chip) and Claude Lucas, who ran together the whole […]

Sprint Triathlon Grevenmacher

On sunday, several athletes took part at the sprint triathlon in Grevenmacher organized by CAEG. 4 members of our team offered some help in the organisation of this event. (race marshalls and registration) Under perfect sunny weather, Claude Lucas showed an impressive result by leaving T1 in the leading pack, and finally finishing on very […]

Challenge Tageblatt 3 Dudelange

Noa and Ben Langer took part at the 3rd stage of the Challenge Tageblatt in Dudelange on saturday. Noa Langer : Ball throwing scolaires 2005   –   28.50m  3rd out of 26 800m scolaires 2005   –   3:10:43min  18th out of 26 Ben Langer : 50m sprint débutants 2007   –   9:03sec  16th out of 25 Ball throwing débutants […]

LTC 10km run

Archive : Laruccia Emiliano

Emiliano Laruccia finished on good 22nd rank overall at the 10km LTC run in Limpertsberg on saturday. Under perfect weather conditions, Emiliano finished in 40:43min and classified on 5th rank in M40. In the female category, Sandra Dümeland finished 4th in W35 in 52:31min, Marina Massari took 3rd in W45 in 55:47min. RESULTS – 10km […]

6 athletes at the IM70.3 Aix-en-Provence

A bunch of 6 X3M athletes were at the starting grid yesterday at the IM70.3 Aix-en-Provence. Best result goes to Christian Weyland who showed a very strong bike split and finished on good 103rd rank overall out of 2102 athletes. Please find attached the results of our athletes with the corresponding split times :

Gavin Hodgson 2nd in Berdorf

During the 10th edition of the ‘Berdorferlaf’ in the east of Luxembourg, Gavin Hodgson ran the side event of 5km and took 2nd rank overall in 17’11”. Pascal Duhautpas, who just came back from a training camp, finished on 54th rank at the 10km race out of 331 finishers. Emmi Duhautpas finished 6th overall in […]

National duathlon championships in Ehlerange

Very exciting and promising results at the national duathlon championships in Ehlerange this sunday. On a very demanding race course (10-40-5.5km) with strong winds and moderate heat, our athletes showed very good performances throughout the day with some podium appearances and national age group titles. Best performance in the Elite field goes to Claude Lucas […]

DKV Urban Trail

Claude Wurth raced the 34km ‘La Grand-Ducale’, the longest run during this year’s DKV Urban Trail in Luxembourg-City. Claude finished 90th overall on this very demanding but beautiful run through the city centre and the outskirts of Luxembourg-city. Francois Genesteix finished 160th, Sandra Dümeland finished on 201st rank overall. 254 runners finished the 34km race. […]

Hamburg Marathon – New PB for Yves Koch

Good performance by Yves Koch at the Hamburg Marathon this sunday. Yves managed to run at a steady pace despite some hale storms in the early stage of the marathon. Passing at the half distance in 01:33:28, Yves kept the pace constant to finish in a good net time of 3:06:02 allowing him to finish […]

Schoulsportdaag Berbourg

Le triathlon club X3M Mersch a été invité au ‘Schoulsportdaag’ de l’ école fondamentale de Berbourg le 07 avril pour promouvoir le triathlon/duathlon et de proposer des ateliers course-à-pied et VTT aux enfants des cycles 2.2. et 3.1.  En raison de notre collaboration avec la section triathlon du CAEG, Pascal Duhautpas a eu le soutien […]

Ouschterlaaf Grevenmacher

Good results at the kids’ Debutant(e)s race (2006/2007) in Grevenmacher today during the 39. Ouschterlaaf. Emmi Duhautpas finished 12th overall and 2nd in age group W10 in 2:59min for the 800m. Leopold Strauss finished at one step to the podium on 4th rank overall in 2:49. Well done! RESULTS – 39. Ousterlaf Grevenmacher – Kinderlauf […]

Triathlon WTS Gold Coast [AUS]

Cette fois, il a été épargné par la malchance ! Cette fois, il a pu exprimer ses qualités sans accroc ! Le verdict final de l’épreuve du Queensland correspond à son potentiel du moment : besogneux à la nage ; fort à vélo ; peut et doit mieux faire en course à pied…. Face à […]

Coupe du monde à New Plymouth (Nouvelle-Zélande)

Coupe du monde à New Plymouth (Nouvelle-Zélande) Bob HALLER décu et amer! „J’aurais pu et dû faire mieux » Il serait vain de nier l’évidence : 21e (sur 42 partants et 34 arrivants)  à 2’31’’ du vainqueur Richard Murray (No 4 mondial, victorieux pour la troisième fois consécutive sur la côte est de l’Île du Nord de […]

X-Duathlon Belvaux

First seasonal cross duathlon in Belvaux today with a lot of mud, deep ground and windy conditions – all you need to have fun! The national championships were integrated in this race. Best X3M result and national cross duathlon title 2017 goes to Noa and Jil Langer, who resp. won their age group categories YouthC […]