Coupe du Monde, Mooloolaba, Australie

Tout le monde attendait avec incertitude la météo aujourd’hui, car hier soir c’était le déluge. Toute la nuit, un orage violent avait éclaté avec une pluie abondante. Les conditions météorologiques ont aussi amené des « Bluebottles » hier en fin d’après-midi dans la mer et au bord de la plage, piquant les athlètes, dont pas mal avaient […]

Duathlon XS St. Dizier [FRA]

Excellent results from our youth athletes at the XS Duathlon (3 km / 12 km / 1.5 km) in french city St. Dizier. This race was counting for the “Championnat Grand Est de Duathlon Jeunes” and was a qualifying race for the french youth championships benjamin, cadets and juniors. Ben Smallbone took strong 11th rank […]

Christopher Bernard is back!

On sunday, the triathlon/duathlon season opened with the national cross-duathlon championships in Belvaux for a difficult 5,6 – 14.4 – 2,3km muddy course. After 3 years of retirement due to multiple injuries, Christopher Bernard made his comeback race and took the opportunity to show a very strong performance – he took the national title by […]

Night Trail Rulles [BEL]

On Friday night (Feb 8th) Guy Theissen raced the 17Km (18.75 km) night trail in Rulles (B). This beautiful running course mainly consisted out of single tracks, a bit of mud, a few ups and downs and the odd water crossing. Guy crossed the finish line ranked 56th out of 229 finishers. Despite the fact […] : Vielversprechender Saisonauftakt

Vielversprechender Saisonauftakt Beim ersten Weltcuprennen für 2019 in Kapstadt (RSA) sind Bob Haller und Stefan Zachäus am Sonntag vielversprechend in die neue Saison gestartet. Nach den 750 m Schwimmen, den 20 km Radfahren und den 5 km Laufen lief Haller als 13. über die Ziellinie, 52” hinter dem britischen Comingman Axel Yee. Zachäus wurde 14., […]

Jugendarbeit und Topathleten im Fokus beim X3M Triathlon Mersch

Der Verein X3M Triathlon Mersch hat am Freitag den 1. Februar 2019 auf seine alljährliche ordinäre Mitgliederversammlung eingeladen, die dieses Jahr wieder beim Hauptvereinssponsor Freelander’s in Mersch abgehalten wurde. Etliche Mitglieder und Jugendliche aus der Jugendabteilung des Vereins hatten den Weg nach Mersch gefunden und konnten auf eine äußerst zufriedenstellende Bilanz 2018 zurückblicken. Nach einer […]

Eurocross Diekirch

3 athletes raced the last cross before the national championships. In the Minimes category, Finn Schiltz finished 11th overall over 1940m. The female category of the Eurotrail over 13km, a side-event of the main cross race, was won by Sonny Eschette in 1h07:34! Claude Wurth made his comeback in the same race and finished in […]

Aquathlon Vittel

The FLTRI youth national team raced the indoor Aquathlon in Vittel [FRA] on saturday, a swim&run race covering 250m swimming and 1000m running. Leo Weishaar has been eliminated in the first round, Ben Smallbone and Luca Seidel reached second round in the mixed ELITE and YOUTH field. The 3 guys have been the youngest contestants […]

Godart wins age group @IM70.3 South Africa

Olivier Godart won his age group (M40-44) at the IM 70.3 South Africa which took place on Januray 27 in very windy conditions. He finished in 13th position overall out of 1880 athletes at the finish line. Great job, and encouraging news before Olivier’s next race in Colombo at the end of February.

Indoor Aquathlon Coque

Several X3Mers took advantage of racing at the Indoor Aquathlon in the national swim center Coque. Athletes had to race first in series, then several finals to determine the final winners. In the Kids and Youth categories, our young members achieved the following results : KIDS B boys : 9. HODGSON Sebastien 03:41min 12 participants […]

24h swimming in Stuttgart [GER]

Guy Bertemes participated this weekend at the 24h endurance swimming in Stuttgart/Germany. The goal of this event consists in swimming as much as possible during 24 hours, all this in a 50m indoor pool. Under nearly 600 swimmers, Guy managed to take 2nd overall by completing 35,1km overall.

Rossignol Trail [BEL]

On Sunday, Guy Theissen ran the Rossignol Trail (B), a 14 Km nature run. There were, however, several distances on offer that day. Guy crossed the finish line ranked 33rd overall out of 438 finishers on what turned out to be yet another windy and rainy day. Sonny Eschette ran the 21km distance and managed […]

Corrida des Vançrois in Vance [BEL]

On Friday night, 2 runners from our team participated at the first ‘Corrida des Vançrois’ over 10 Km (approx. 9.6km only) in Vance [BEL]. Christopher Bernard finished 4th in 32:56min while Guy Theissen crossed the finish line ranked 33rd overrall in 40:21min. Results :

New Year’s Eve party in Trier and Rambrouch

A final race in 2018 – that was the plan for a couple of X3M runners today. Gavin Hodgson and Bob Haller ran the 8km at the ’29. Silvesterlauf Trier’, the german Sao Paulo with confetti showers and samba groups. Gavin showed an impressive run and won the ‘Natus-Volkslauf der Männer’ over 8km, his end time […]

3 Länner Trail 2018

Sonny Eschette showed once again her good shape by finishing 2nd female overall at the 17km ‘3-Länner-Trail’ around Lieler/Weiswampach in the north of Luxembourg. It took her 1h25:16 to finish those difficult 17km on slippery and wet underground, just a minute down to winner Egilsdottir from Trilux. Erica Bastian-Beamer raced the shorter 11km trail and […]

X3M Triathlon Mersch unterstützt AktivKidz asbl.

Jahr für Jahr setzt sich der Triathlonverein X3M Mersch asbl. dafür ein, Gelder zu sammeln um später einem gemeinschaftlichen Zweck zuzuführen. Dieses Jahr hatte der Verein sich dazu entschlossen, die AktivKidz ASBL zu unterstützen. Dies ist eine dynamische Organisation, die seit 2016 aktiv ist und sich hauptsächlich um Kinder-Sportprojekte in Lesotho/Afrika kümmert. Spenden wurden während […]

Nouveau partenariat avec CROISE S.A.

Notre club est fier de pouvoir annoncer un partenariat de 3 ans avec l’assureur Croisé S.A. Fondée en 1921, l’agence générale d’assurances CROISE SA vous aide à définir vos besoins en assurance selon votre situation personnelle, soit au niveau familial, pour votre voiture ou habitation et même pour des séjours à l’ étranger. Croisé SA […]

Cross-Challenge 4 – CAEG Dreiborn

3rd start, 3rd win – once again very strong performance by Oliver Gorges at the 4th race of the cross-country challenge in Dreiborn. Under quite difficult conditions (muddy track covered by snow), Oliver was in the leading pack of the combined senior and espoirs race. After 5600m, Oliver finished first in 20:15min and won the espoirs category. […]

‘Schwimmen am Limit’ (Lëtzebuerger Journal)

LUXEMBURG DANIEL OLY Extremschwimmer Guy Bertemes will seinen eigenen Rekord knacken Mal eben ein paar Runden im Becken ziehen, die Seele baumeln lassen, den Kopf frei kriegen – aus solchen Gründen gehen wir für gewöhnlich schwimmen. Wir dürften dabei aber kaum auf die Idee kommen, in 24 Stunden so viele Bahnen wie möglich im Becken […]

Parteneriat avec la société Marcel Grosbusch & Fils

Notre association X3M Triathlon Mersch est plus que fière d’annoncer un parteneriat avec la société Marcel Grosbusch & Fils afin de promouver d’avantage un style de vie sain et une alimentation équilibrée parmi nos membres. Depuis l’édition 2017 de notre trail à Mersch, la société Marcel Grosbusch & Fils nous a fourni des fruits pour les ravitaillements. Le comité tient à […]