ING (Half)-Marathon Luxembourg

Once again, stiflingly hot conditions to run a marathon resp. half-marathon on saturday evening. 25deg+ at the race start at 19h00 – not so easy for the 10000 runners. Gavin Hodgson raced the marathon distance and literally blew up due to the heat – he finished on 150th rank overall in 03:41:21 In the half-marathon, […]

Sprint Triathlon Grevenmacher – 2 wins

Oliver Gorges and Harry Smallbone won Kids A race resp. the main elite race at the sprint triathlon in Grevenmacher today. In the Kids A race (100m-3km-600m), Harry dominated the race once again and took the victory in 11:01min, leading 2nd boy by 19sec. RESULTS – Triathlon Grevenmacher 2019 – KIDS A Ben Smallbone, his […]

113km : Heilbronn [GER] and Barcelona [ESP]

Tom Peiffer and Susanne Gutjahr raced the IM70.3 Barcelona on sunday morning.Susanne finished 17th in her agegroup with a final time of 6h08:00. Her splits : 41:53 (1.9km swim) – 3h22:34 (90km bike) – 1h54:27 (21.1km run) Tom finished in 6h15:45 on 1406th rank overall out of 2376 athletes. His splits : 41:16 (1.9km swim) […]

Berdorferlaf 10km

Several young and ‘not-so-young’ members of our team raced the hilly 10km in Berdorf on saturday. In the kids’ race, 2 year old Maddalena Laruccia raced her first 400m race under X3M colours – a new future triathlete is born… 😉 Sebastian Hodgson (born 2010) ran the non-timed 800m. In the kids’s categorie born in […]

ITU Triathlon World Cup Cagliari [ITA]

Beim ITU Triathlon World Cup zu Cagliari an Italien kommen d’Lëtzebuerger Athleten iwwer d’Sprintdistanz op d’Plaze 7 an 8. Domat ass eng Top 10 Placéierung fir de Payet an Haller iwwer d’Kuerzdistanz erausgesprongen. De Gewënner vum Triathlon zu Cagliari heescht Alistar Browlee – den zweemolegen Triathlon-Weltmeeschter war just eng Sekonn méi séier wéi den Zweeten, […]

2-Kommpower Sprint Triathlon Lebach [GER]

Manon Kirsch, Carlo Feltes and Guy Theissen raced the sprint triathlon in Lebach [GER] on Sunday, covering the sprint distance over 300m-20km-5 km. The swim part was held in the indoor pool with 12 lanes of 25m. The bike course over 20km was quite hilly while the running part took place in the heart of […]

Triathlon Autun – CdF 1/2 finales [FRA]

1/2 finale championnat de France à Autun: bonne prestation de l’ensemble des jeunes du cadre national qui courraient sous les couleurs de leur club français CCCE: – Benjamines: Gwen Nothum 4ème – Benjamins: Finn Schiltz 5ème – Minimes F: Mara Krombach 7ème, Noemie Ries 13ème, Lou Van Den Bossche 15ème, Kristina Barret Hayes 23ème ( […]

IM70.3 Aix-en-Provence

5 athletes from X3M raced the IM70.3 in Aix-en-Provence/France this sunday, the weather conditions were not easy with strong headwinds. Best result goes to Claude Lucas, who finished on 34th rank overall and 2nd in M30 in 4h18:36. (1933 finisher) Swim 1.9km Trans.1 Bike (90km) Trans.2 Run (21.1km) 0:28:23 0:04:25 2:20:21 (38.4km/h) 0:02:41 1:22:48 (3:56/km) […]

Triathlon Worldcup Chengdu/China

C’est dans un climat lourd et humide que les trente athlètes de la finale A ce sont présentés au départ de la Finale A à 10 :15 heures. Bob Haller a perdu beaucoup d’énergie durant le premier des deux tours en natation ! Tous se battaient pour arriver à la première bouée à 150 m. […]

1. GULF Duathlon Junglinster

PRESS RELEASE (05/05/2019) : 1. GULF Duathlon Junglinster Am nationalen Duathlon-Championat stoung um Sonndeg déi éischten Editioun vum Jambo Gulf Duathlon zu Jonglënster um Programm. Insgesamt stoungen 10 Kilometer Lafen, 40 Kilometer mam Vëlo an zum Ofschloss nach eng Kéier 5 Kilometer Lafen um Programm. Vun Ufank u sollt awer ee Mann dës Course […]

Victory for Dany Flammang @IM70.3 Marbella

Very good results from this early IM70.3 in Marbella/Spain – Danièle Flammang took the agegroup victory in F50 with an end time of 5h34:41 (64th overall female). Dany qualified for the IM70.3 world championships in Nice/France in September. CONGRATULATIONS from the whole team! Christian Weyland finished on good 7th rank in AG M40 (81st overall) with […]

Metro (1/2)-Marathon Düsseldorf

On Sunday Apr 28th, Guy Theissen ran the 1st edition of the Metro halfmarathon in Düsseldorf. On a flat course, Guy crossed the finish line ranked 201st overall in 1h35:18. Results : Elisabeth Gaudron ran the full marathon distance on sunday and finished in good 4h28:41 on 354th female rank overall. Pascal Duhautpas, who initially […]

Mitja Marató Pollença

On Saturday Apr 13th Guy Theissen raced the 1/2 Marathon of Pollença on the island of Mallorca. The course is known to be rather flat for the first 10 K and a long uphill section with front winds for the last 9 K, this year under warm temperatures of around 25°C. Guy crossed the finish […]

41. Ousterlaf Grevenmacher

Several athletes ran the 41st Ousterlaf in Grevenmacher in perfect weather conditions, maybe a bit too hot with 24 degrees and clear sky. In the 5km race, 14y old Ben Smallbone showed a very good performance by finishing 11th (out of 75) in 20:28min. Guy Bertemes finished 14th (21:11min0, followed by Alex and Leo Weishaar […]

Pit Glodt = Powerman

Pit Glodt raced the 10th POWERMAN Germany in Alsdorf over the classic distance of 10-60-10km. With a steady pace, Pit managed to finish in 3h14:52 on 151st rank overall out of 260 participants. His splits : RUN1 : 44:32min BIKE : 1h42:44 RUN2 : 43:23min END TIME : 3h14:52

42. Tour de Dudelange 10km

Carlo Feltes was the only runner at the 42nd Tour de Dudelange 10km race on sunday. The track has been changed to 50% road surface and 50% through the woods around Dudelange. Carlo finished on 29th rank overall out of 149 runners, with an end time of 42:18min. (2nd in M50) RESULTS – 42. Tour de […]

10km road championships in Clervaux


Only Emiliano Laruccia and Pit Glodt took part in the national 10km road championships in hilly Clervaux. Emiliano took 28th rank overall and 8th in M45 with an end time of 43:25min. Pit Glodt, who ran his first race for X3M, finished on 45th rank overall and 10th MHK age group in 46:00min. RESULTS – […] : New Plymouth ITU Triathlon World Cup [NZL]

Beim Weltcup zu New Plymouth ass de Bob Haller iwwert d’Sprintdistanz de 25. ginn an den Oliver Gorges huet sech als 52. klasséiert. An der Nuecht op e Sonndeg war zu New Plymouth an Neiséiland eng weider Manche vum Triathlon-Weltcup. No 750 Meter Schwammen, 20 Kilometer Vëlofueren a 5 Kilometer Lafen huet sech den Australier […]

16. Foyer Nordstadsemi Diekirch

First half marathon race this year in the luxembourgish road race calendar – the 16th edition of the Nordstadsemi in Diekirch. Simon Smallbone finished on 140th rank overall by finishing the distance in 1h45:13. On the 10km, Christian Seidel took 33rd rank overall (4th M45) in 44:36min, followed by Antoine de Groote on 51st rank in […]

National cross championships

After the national cross championships have been cancelled on 10th of march due to heavy storm, the race has been transferred to a new date and place. On the 23rd of march, the championships were held by CSL/FOLA in Baambësch. Please find below the results from our athletes : ELITE RACE (10420m) – 18 finisher […]

Postlaf Gasperich

Despite some very poor weather conditions with wind and rain, our athletes showed some good results and even managed to set new personal best times. Please find the results of our runners below : 9. LAMBERTY Philippe M30 6. 00:34:30 15. FAUCHEUX Brice M40 2. 00:35:30 24. LUCAS Claude M30 10. 00:35:54 156. LARUCCIA Emiliano […]