Sonny Eschette won her age group F50 in excellent 11h57:13 and ranked 20th female overall at the IRONMAN France in Nice (1h24:46 – 6h37:16 – 3h42:15)

Brice Faucheux took 10h32:49 to cross the finish line on 7th in his AG M45, 105th overall out of 1562 athletes (1h02:39 – 5h51:14 – 3h29:37). Brice qualified for the IM Hawaii for the first time in his career – congratulations for this achievement !!!

On the half 70.3 distance, Yann Hoffmann finished 663rd overall in 6h03:44 and Lynn Schmit on 39th rank in F30 with a total time of 7h00:35

Updated: 27/06/2022 — 18:27