Aquathlon Coque 2017

On sunday, several athletes from X3M signed in at the 5th EES Aquathlon in the Olympic Pool & Arena at Kirchberg. Carlo Feltes was eliminated after 1st round in the Elite field after a 250m swim and 1km run in the arena. Gavin Hodgson and Antoine de Groote cancelled their participation and helped out FLTRI […]

Silvesterlauf Trier

Very impressive performances by Bob Haller and Gavin Hodgson at the Silvesterlauf Trier on this saturday. Besides some professional african runners in the elite field named ‘8km Lauf der Asse’, Bob Haller showed his improved running performance by setting up a very good end time of 24:47min allowing him to rank on 22nd position overall. […]

33. Sylvesterlaf Rambrouch

Last race of the year in Rambrouch – several X3Mers raced this 10km race to burn some calories prior to new year’s eve festivities… 😉 Under cool but sunny conditions, Claude Lucas showed a very good performance by finishing on 24th rank overall in 38:17min. Claire Metzdorff finished in 51:26min, Tom Peiffer finished on 278th […]

33. Corrida de la Knippchen in Arlon

On monday night, 3 runners from our team participated at the traditional ‘Corrida de la Knippchen’ in Arlon [BEL]. Carlo Feltes finished 44th out of 263 runners on the short 3.6km distance, his end time was 15 min 33 sec. Chris Weyland, Guy Theissen, and guess … yes Carlo Feltes (not having enough from the […]

Weekend running races

On saturday, Carlo Feltes ran the 6km at the 13th ‘Déifferdenger Chrëschtlaf’ – he finished on an excellent 9th rank overall out of 42 runners. (his end time : 24:08) In addition, he won his age group M50. RESULTS – 13. Déifferdenger Chrëschtlaf The 4th stage of the cross-country challenge 2016/2017 was organized by CAB […]

3. Cross CSL Baambësch

The 3rd cross-country event was organized by CSL in Baambësch on sunday afternoon, a lot of our kids used this event to test their endurance capabilities. Please find below the results : RESULTS – 3. Cross CSL Baambësch

XTRAIL series Houffalize [BEL]

On Sunday Dec 11th, Guy Theissen ran the 17 km trail (17,7 Km/527 M+) of the XTrails trailrun series in Houffalize (B). As it is often the case, trail running in Houffalize,  means having to deal with difficult terrain and long single tracks including some very steep climbs. The rain showers preceding the race didn’t […]

1. Cross RBUAP Rodange

First hibernal cross-country run of the season with a good kids’ participation from our team. Best result of the day goes to Maya Proess, who finished on excellent 10th rank overall in category ‘Scolaires F 1810m (2004/2005)’. Noa Langer twisted her ankle right at the beginning so she struggeled to finish on 29th rank in the […]

Chris Weyland qualifies for IM Hawaii 2017

Great performance from Christian Weyland at the Ironman Malaysia Langkawi, known as ‘the toughest show on earth’. This Ironman is one of the hardest races on the circuit due to very high temperatures reaching 40ºC during the day combined with high humidity above 80%. After a decent swim in the warm Andaman Sea (non-wetsuit), Chris […]

Deulux-Lauf Langsur 10km

Several athletes from X3M participated at the 10km road race in Langsur, one of the biggest 10km races around with nearly 2000 runners. Best performance goes to Gavin Hodgson, who missed his personal best time by only 6sec – his end time of 35:23 net allowed him to take 31st rank overall and 2nd in […]

14. Fakellaf Belle-Etoile

Great event – Great results! The 14th edition of the Fakellaf Belle-Etoile night run, illuminated contiguously by torches along the whole 5km track, was a big success again. Several X3M runners raced this fast race in the dark with some very good results. Best performance goes to Bob Haller who crossed the finishline on 3rd […]

1. Saarschleife-Trail

On Sunday Oct 30th, Guy Theissen raced the short distance trail (13,3km, 500M+) of the 1. Saarschleife in Orscholz, Germany. Although, being only 13,3 km long, this trail run proved to be  both technically and physically demanding consisting of long single tracks and lots of ups and downs.  Guy crossed the finish line ranked 19th […]

Frankfurt Marathon – new PB for C. Wurth

Claude Wurth raced the Frankfurt Marathon on sunday to try to set a new personal best time with a time below 3h30. He was still on pace til km25 when he felt apart, he struggeled to finish the marathon making it a very hard day for him. Nevertheless, Claude set a new personal best time […]

6. Haard-Trail Dudelange

Yves Koch (picture) and Jérôme Barthels ran the 6th edition of the Haard Trail in Dudelange on saturday afternoon – this year over a new 15km track with approx. 390m positive altitude difference. Yves finished on 23rd rank overall in 1:06:42 and 5th in M30. Jérôme took 1:17:49 and ranked 96th overall out of 196 finishers. RESULTS […]

Night Trail Tintigny

On Friday night (Oct14th) Guy Theissen raced the 20Km night trail in Tintigny (B). This beautiful running course mainly consisted out of single tracks, a few ups and downs and the odd water crossing. Guy crossed the finish line in little more than 2 hours in what was surely a very well organized event including […]

Culture Marathon Echternach 2016

  Very good results from our runners Gavin Hodgson and Hubert Strauss (latest recruit in X3M) at the marathon Echternach. Hubert Strauss finished on excellent 9th rank overall in 2h58:27 and won the male M45 age category. Gavin Hodgson ran 3h01:02 and finished on 11th position overall and 3rd in M30. Chris Doyle had a DNF […]

Weekend results

Brice Faucheux and Carlo Feltes raced the cross-duathlon race at the Red Rock Challenge in Belvaux this sunday. This atypical cross-duathlon over 49km (21.2km MTB / 9.6km trail run / 18.2km MTB) was held around the historic cultural industrial site Fond-de-Gras in Belvaux/Differdange. Best result goes to Fabrice who took 14th rank overall in 2:44:05. […]

Olivier Godart 30th at IM Barcelona

Olivier Godart showed, once again, all his potential taking a fantastic 30th overall rank at the Ironman Barcelona today. After a good non-wetsuit swim split in 58:12min, Olivier raced very hard on the windy bike course to finish the 180km along the mediterranean coast in 4:46:04 (37.7km/h). Olivier left T2 around 70th rank overall, so […]

Semi-Marathon Bruxelles

Antoine Lallier and Bruno de Courcy ran the half-marathon Bruxelles yesterday, one of the biggest running events in Belgium. Nearly 6500 runners finished this well-organized run through the belgian capital. Very impressive result from 18 year-old Bruno de Courcy – he ran a personal best time of 1:19:57 and classified on 31st rank overall. Antoine […]

Duathlon S de la citadelle Rodemack [FRA]

On Sunday Oct 2nd, Claire Metzdorff, Carlo Feltes and Guy Theissen were at the start of the Sprint Duathlon 5-25-3 km in the picturesque medieval town of Rodemack (F). On a fresh and windy autumn day 71 athletes turned up at the starting line despite heavy rain showers preceding the event. On a beautiful but […]