35. Internationaler Trierer Stadtlauf 2018

Great performance by Gavin Hogdson at the half marathon in Trier [GER] – he finished on 12th rank overall out of 737 runners in 1h21:34 net. (3rd/74 AG M40) Jean-Claude Schmitz set a new personal best time in 1h29:40 net and ranked 49th overall. Guy Theissen and Marc Matgen raced the 10km run in Trier. Under […]

Tri-Cross Pont-à-Mousson [FRA]

C’était le championnat de Tri-Cross du Grand Est à Pont à Mousson en France (1000/21/6). Ça s’est bien passé pour un premier essai dans cette discipline avec en prime un belle place à la nage (30°/122). Et il y avait du beau monde. A VTT ce fut fort différent… Sur un beau parcours très sélectif,  il […]

IM70.3 Remich – Great results!!!

During the weekend, the IM70.3 Luxembourg/Région Moselle in Remich took place under wonderful weather conditions. A lot of our younger and more experienced X3M athletes took part in this well-organized event and showed, once again, great performances and a lot of enthousiasm to reach their personal goals. Best performance of the day was shown by […]

IRONKIDS Remich – our kids were on fire!!!

6 kids of X3M were present at the IRONKIDS Remich on saturday to race the different Aquathlon races. In the male Youth C category 2005/2006 [100m swim/850m run], 3 of our kids ranked in TOP4 overall at the finish line – what a result! Leo Weishaar (1:39/4:50 – 6:28min) won this category in a sprint […]

Maarja finished her 1st IM70.3 in Estonia

For her first IM70.3 distance triathlon ever, Maarja Randmaa travelled back to her home country in Estonia to race the IM70.3 Otepää. A bit anxious about this challenge, Maarja started conservatively but after the swim part, she showed a steady performance enjoying the cheering home crowd and the support of some friends and family members. […]

Bob Haller 13th in Huatulco [MEX]

Bob Haller’s statement : “They said it before, an extremely hard race!! I was warned… With a very good swim I came out in the top 10 and could even do an excellent transition. In the 5th position out on the lead pack with another 20 athletes. In the second lap the chase group caught […]

Claude Wurth finished IM70.3 Switzerland

Steady performance by Claude Wurth in Switzerland during the amazing IM70.3 Rapperswil, one of the most spectator-friendly events across the entire IRONMAN European Tour with its consolidated event area and all locations within a short walking distance. The race boasts a 1.9k swim in the beautiful Upper Lake Zurich and a truncated bike course, which […]

Olivier Godart 2nd @ Challenge Samorin The Championship 2018

Once again, Olivier Godart showed an awesome and badass performance at the Challenge Family ‘The Championship’ Samorin/Slovakia half distance triathlon. The race venue was the x-bionic® sphere, which is the Official Olympic Training Centre Slovakia offering professional conditions in 27 Olympic disciplines. During the race, Olivier outdared difficult road conditions, heavy wind sections and sandy […]

2018 Cagliari ITU Triathlon World Cup

Alors que Bob Haller faisait tout pour se rétablir d’un grand rhume cette semaine, tout semblait aller au mieux aujourd’hui. Les athlètes étaient prêts pour sauter du ponton alors que des dauphins sont venus faire la ronde dans la baie. La température de l’eau était passée à 23,5 degrés, donc natation sans néoprène, et le […]

Manon Kirsch 2nd @ BATIFER Triathlon Saint-Hubert [BEL]

Excellent result from Manon Kirsch at the difficult and hilly olympic distance triathlon in Saint-Hubert / Belgium. She classified on 2nd podium rank overall with an end time of 3:21:08 and won the female age group F24! Manon was extremely happy about her performance and her achievement – congratulations for your result from the team! […]

Bob Haller wins ‘Triathlo de Oeiras’ [POR]

The trainer of Bob Haller’s portuguese team Club Portugal Talentus decided that Bob should race the portuguese sprint triathlon championships after his 2 DNF races in the last weeks. Bob aligned at this portuguese national qualification race for the sprint triathlon WC. In face of a strong 130 man field, Bob managed to win this […]

Berdorferlaf 10km & 5km

Gavin Hodgson finished once again on the podium of a 5km race, this time on the hilly route of the ‘Berdorferlaf’. He finished 2nd overall in 17:31min. In the 10km main race, the best performance goes to Emiliano Laruccia on 12th rank in 41:43min followed by Jean-Claude Schmitz on 18th rank (44:16min) and Claude Wurth […]

Open Water Swim Losheim [GER]

Jean-Claude Schmitz and Jérôme Barthels have participated at the Open Swim event in Losheim/Saarland. Both have chosen to swim the 2.5km distance. (out of 1.25km / 2.5km / 5.0km / 10.0km] Jean-Claude won the age group M35 in an end time of 44:07min and finished 9th overall in open ranking. Jérôme took 48:03min to finish […]

Noémie & Leo on the podium in Autun [FRA]

Noémie Ries and Leo Weishaar participated at the semi-finals triathlon ‘Championnat de France Jeunes’ in Autun/Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Both athletes represented the national triathlon federation FLTRI and were accompanied by the national trainer Cyrille Eple. Noémie managed to finish on 6th rank overall in mixed male and female ranking – even more, she won the female category!!! […]

Claude Lucas smashed IM70.3 Pays d’Aix !

Tremendous performance by Claude Lucas at the IM70.3 Pays d’Aix in french Provence. Despite some really bad weather with rain and cold temperatures, Claude managed to stay focussed on his race and showed a very steady effort in all 3 disciplines. At the end, Claude managed to win the rather strong age group M30-34 with […]

IM70.3 Mallorca

Christian Weyland, Benoit Joachim, Charel Trierweiler and Francois Genesteix raced the age-group only Ironman70.3 in Alcudia/Mallorca on saturday afternoon. Christian had the fastest end time of 4:41:26 allowing him to finish on 95th rank overall out of 2893 athletes at the starting grid. Find below the detailed results of all our athletes, congratulations for your […]

ING Night Marathon 2018

Several X3M runners were present at the ING Night Marathon through the picturesque roads and parks of Luxembourg-City center. Athletes could choose between the full distance and the half-marathon, but most of our runners have chosen to run the half distance only this year. The marathon is known to be a rather difficult one with […]

Susanne Gutjahr 17th at IM70.3 Marbella

On 29th of april, Susanne Gutjahr, who joined X3M in october 2017, finished the IM70.3 Marbella on good 17th female age-group rank in W40-44. Her split times were : Susanne Gutjahr – 5:56:04  [17th W40-44 – 882th overall – Gender rank : 73rd]  Swim : 00:29:24 (avg. pace 1:31/100m) Transition 1 : 00:05:00 Bike : […]

Bob HALLER : Grosse Désillusion !

En partant pour le Japon, il y a une semaine, le meilleur triathlète luxembourgeois du moment avait un moral du tonnerre. Ses dernières impressions de la préparation avec ses copains portugais étaient fort positives ; il avait la ferme conviction d’être en mesure de réaliser une bonne performance dans la première épreuve qualificative pour les […]

25. Grenzland Duathlon Güdingen [GER]

On Sunday morning, Guy Theissen was at the start of the Volksduathlon 5-22-5 km on the outskirts of Saarbrücken (Ger). On a bright sunny day 53 athletes turned up at the starting line. The course was quite flat and did not include any particular difficulties. Guy crossed the finish line ranked 13th in the men’s […]

5. Lampertsbierger Laf vum LTC

Good performance by Gavin Hodgson at the 5km road race ‘Lampertsbierger Laf vum LTC’ – Gavin managed to win this race with a fast time of 17:13min. Marc Matgen finished on 41st rank in 25:15min just 1 rank behind Gavin’s wife Victoria. (112 finisher for this distance) On the 10km, Emiliano Laruccia ran 40:00min to […]

Semi-Marathon Beckerich 2018

Please find below the results of our runners at the Semimarathon des 2 Luxembourg in Beckerich : 91. [13. M45]   Christian Seidel  in 1:38:43 108. [1. F45]   Sonny Eschette in 1:40:27   4th female overall 344. [56. M45]   Tom Peiffer in 1:57:22 697 runners finished the race. RESULTS – Semi-Marathon Beckerich 2018