Year: 2017

Vitality North London Half Marathon

On Sunday morning March 12th, Guy Theissen and Marc Matgen raced the Vitality North London Half Marathon. Approximately 6000 runners were engaged on a hilly course, that went Stadium to Stadium from the iconic Wembley to Saracens Rugby Allianz Park at the half-way point and back to Wembley to an epic stadium finish. Guy crossed […]

Lux. Cross-Country championships

Bob Haller took an excellent 2nd rank at the national cross-country championships today in Diekirch. Under very poor weather conditions with a lot of rain and muddy ground, Bob was only beaten by Pol Mellina (Celtic). As he came back from a training camp in South-Africa, his legs were not fresh, but nevertheless he was […]

Spiridon Bëschlaf 10km

4 runners of our team raced the 10km ‘Spiridon Bëschlaf’ through the woods and surroundings of Kokelscheuer, luckily under perfect sunny conditions. The new 1-loop lap was quite hilly (+135m) and runners had to face a strong head wind going towards Leudelange. Best result of the day goes to Yves Koch who finished in strong […]

X-Trail des Ardennes Wiltz

On Sunday morning around 250 runners were engaged on the 3 different courses enjoying mild temperatures but a lot of mud on the track to make it a difficult race for everyone. Carlo Feltes ran the 7.5km short distance trail finishing 20th out of 44 finishers in 49:04min. Guy Theissen ran the 14km middle distance trail in 1h16:24 finishing […]

Olivier Godart best age grouper @IM70.3 Dubai

Another smashing performance by Olivier Godart at the IM70.3 Dubai on friday. After having quit the PRO-field by end of 2016, Olivier ran his first Ironman-flagged race as an age grouper. Nonetheless, Olivier managed to keep the professionals’ pace and ranked finally on a very strong 23rd rank overall out of 1425 athletes – and […]

Allures Libres de Gaume à Virton

Roger Clesse raced the ALG in Virton [BEL] over the short 4.6km distance and classified on 50th position overall out of 364 runners, his final time was 21:10min. Carlo Feltes finished on 19th rank overall in 19:20min and took 2nd in V2-categorie. Claire Metzdorff won the category A2 and finished on rank 76 overall in […]

Aquathlon Coque 2017

On sunday, several athletes from X3M signed in at the 5th EES Aquathlon in the Olympic Pool & Arena at Kirchberg. Carlo Feltes was eliminated after 1st round in the Elite field after a 250m swim and 1km run in the arena. Gavin Hodgson and Antoine de Groote cancelled their participation and helped out FLTRI […]