Road races during the weekend

Christopher Bernard is back in X3M! On Friday evening, Chris raced the traditional 5km road race ‘Belle Etoile Fakel-Laf’ in Bertrange finishing on excellent 8th rank overall with an end time of 17:14min. Well done! Yves Koch ran the 5km in preparation of the Deulux-Lauf next weekend, it took him 18:56min for the 5km (24th overall).
Carlo Feltes finished in 21:21min on overall rank 55, followed by Marc Matgen on 131st rank in 24:10.
tableRESULTS – Belle Etoile Fakellaf

On Saturday, Carlo Feltes finished 24th overall at the Konzer Wurzelweglauf, a hilly 10km race around the german city of Konz. He finished in 48:10min allowing him to take 4th Age Group rank in M45.
tableDiploma Carlo Feltes


Updated: 08/11/2015 — 10:38